30 December 2019

Playing with Performance

Digging into the slowdowns

This is rather fiddily

I reached out to the clojure reddit community and I'm really happy with the response I got back =)...

People were super helpful!

I managed to go from 34760 ms on the voronoi.edn test file to 608 ms.

There's definitely more gains to be had, but there's also some issues on the math side, tinkering with using int primitives like the original delaunator is giving me fun math errors. So that's a can of worms I don't want to open yet.

I'd also like to see how far I can get performance-wise without completely turning the code into an unreadable mess.

Not that it's far from that at the moment, I definitely need to go back and try and clearly articulate what each part of the lib is doing.

Adding in hooks to allow using different distance metrics like manhatten would be pretty cool.

Tags: delaunator-cljc performance