Fulcro and Postgres
Whispering to the Elephant
And fixing Database Connection Error
You know what's nice? When you're creating a user account and then you restart the server and it stays.
Let's get us some of that.
Step 1 - New deps
By now you know the drill, we've got some deps to add, so let's open up deps.edn
, and pop this lot in:
seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.0.409"}
honeysql {:mvn/version "0.9.10"}
nilenso/honeysql-postgres {:mvn/version "0.2.6"}
org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.2.12"}
hikari-cp {:mvn/version "2.11.0"}
buddy/buddy-sign {:mvn/version "3.1.0"}
buddy/buddy-hashers {:mvn/version "1.4.0"}
Step 2 - Migrations and Structure
Now we want to create a migration, let's call it migrations/v1__create-user-table.sql
CREATE TABLE account (
email text NOT NULL UNIQUE,
password text NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
Step 3 - Wrapping the database connections
Now we need to have some layer to talk to our db:
(ns app.model.database
(:require [app.server-components.config :refer [config]]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[hikari-cp.core :as pool]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.result-set :as result-set]
[next.jdbc.prepare :as p]
[clojure.string :as str]
[honeysql.core :as sql]
(defn datasource-options []
(merge {:auto-commit true
:read-only false
:connection-timeout 30000
:validation-timeout 5000
:idle-timeout 600000
:max-lifetime 1800000
:minimum-idle 10
:maximum-pool-size 10
:pool-name "db-pool"
:adapter "postgresql"
:register-mbeans false}
(:database-spec config)))
(defstate pool
:start (pool/make-datasource (datasource-options))
:stop (pool/close-datasource pool))
(defn snake->kebab [s]
(str/replace s #"_" "-"))
(defn as-qualified-kebab-maps [rs opts]
(result-set/as-modified-maps rs
(assoc opts
:qualifier-fn snake->kebab
:label-fn snake->kebab)))
(def ^:private query-opts {:builder-fn as-qualified-kebab-maps})
(defn execute! [conn sql-map]
(jdbc/execute! conn
(sql/format sql-map :quoting :ansi)
(defn execute-one! [conn sql-map]
(jdbc/execute-one! conn
(sql/format sql-map :quoting :ansi)
Step 4 - Querying
So pathom, our graphql-like query parser needs to know about Postgres, so in app.server-components.pathom
(ns app.server-components.pathom
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[app.model.database :as pgdb]))
(assoc env
::pgdb/pool pgdb/pool ; <-- We add this
:db @db-connection
Step 5 - Mutations
Now let's adjust our app.model.session
(ns app.model.session
;; [app.model.mock-database :as db] ; <-- DELETE
[app.model.database :as db] ; <-- INSERT
[datascript.core :as d]
[com.fulcrologic.guardrails.core :refer [>defn => | ?]]
[com.wsscode.pathom.connect :as pc :refer [defresolver defmutation]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[buddy.hashers :as hs] ; <-- Also add
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.server.api-middleware :as fmw]))
Now we need to pass the db and queries to our mutations, so login
goes from this:
(defmutation login [env {:keys [username password]}]
{::pc/output [:session/valid? :account/name]}
(log/info "Authenticating" username)
(let [{expected-email :email
expected-password :password} (get @account-database username)]
(if (and (= username expected-email) (= password expected-password))
(response-updating-session env
{:session/valid? true
:account/name username})
(log/error "Invalid credentials supplied for" username)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid credentials" {:username username}))))))
to this:
(defmutation login [{::db/keys [pool] :as env} {:keys [username password]}]
{::pc/output [:session/valid? :account/name]}
(log/info "Authenticating" username)
(let [user (db/execute-one! pool
{:select [:email :password]
:from [:account]
:where [:= :email username]})
{expected-email :account/email
expected-password :account/password} user]
(if (and (= username expected-email) (hs/check password expected-password))
(response-updating-session env
{:session/valid? true
:account/name username})
(log/error "Invalid credentials supplied for" username)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid credentials" {:username username}))))))
and signup!
from this:
(defmutation signup! [env {:keys [email password]}]
{::pc/output [:signup/result]}
(swap! account-database assoc email {:email email
:password password})
{:signup/result "OK"})
to this:
(defmutation signup! [env {:keys [email password]}]
{::pc/output [:signup/result]}
(log/info "Signing Up" email)
(let [hashed-password (hs/derive password)]
(db/execute-one! pool
{:insert-into :account
:values [{:email email
:password hashed-password}]
:returning [:id]})
{:signup/result "OK"}))
Step 6 - Config and Env vars
Finally let's adjust our src/main/config/dev.edn
{:taoensso.timbre/logging-config {:level :debug}
:database-spec {:username "postgres"
:password "password"
:server-name "localhost"
:port-number 5432
:database-name "postgres"
:sslmode "disable"}}
and our src/main/config/prod.edn
:database-spec {:username :env/POSTGRES_USER
:password :env/POSTGRES_PASSWORD
:server-name :env/POSTGRES_HOSTNAME
:port-number :env.edn/POSTGRES_PORT
:database-name :env/POSTGRES_DB
:sslmode :env/POSTGRES_SSLMODE}}
PS: An Updated Example!
If you're having issues, I've updated my currently up-to-date version of the code here.
Thanks to Christopher O'Donnell for blog post series.